Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Arguing With The Weather

Yes, it’s cold.  It’s winter.  This is northern Pennsylvania.  Stop whining and layer up!  The weather is not listening to you and could care less about your opinion of it.

Personally, I wouldn’t want to live in a place that has ‘climate’ but no seasons.  I find the cycle of the year invigorating, and greet each new season with puppy-like enthusiasm.  In winter, I enjoy the feeling of just being alive and thriving, despite the conditions, defying the ‘little death.’

The Polar Vortex is nothing new.  It’s an atmospheric condition that’s always been there, like the Jet Stream, but now the media has gotten hold of it.  We’ve had weather this cold before.  As long as the pipes don’t freeze and the power stays on, why complain?  This is temporary.  This is not the world of “Game of Thrones,” our winter is only going to last another month-and-a-half.

Half the politicians are saying this is evidence that Global Warming is a hoax, the other half saying this is proof it is real.  Lesser ones are griping about school closings and expenditure for snow removal on roads, and using all this as a reason to increase taxes, as if they needed an actual reason.  In short, the cold weather is the topic of every news article, interview, internet post, and conversation.

It could be worse.  They could be doing their usual rants about celebrities I’ve never heard of doing things I don’t care about.

That’s MY rant for today.

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