Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Almost Cut My Hair

Well, actually, I did cut my hair.  But Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young have been singing in my head ever since and I feel vaguely like I've betrayed my generation.  I've had long hair since... well, I was not born with it, but  my oldest memories include my hair being long.  Much of my life it's been down to my waist, genuine Hippie chick hair.  Why did I decide to cut it?  Too many reasons to list.  How much did I have it cut?  About as short as it can go and still look like woman's hair.

But, does it feel weird!  The first problem was my tweed hacking jacket being so scratchy against my neck driving home from the salon.  And I had the sensation that the ends of the hair were touching the collar whenever I turned my head.  All day long I've had the feeling that my hair was still there, bound up in a French twist like I used to wear it for work, but when I put my hand back to make sure the bun is still secure, it's not there.  But I feel it there distinctly.  There is that tight sensation at the temples saying the hair is pulled back into that bun, but it's not.  There is the feeling of weight at the back of my head, but it's an illusion.  I think this is all psychological, my mind putting a familiar cause on a totally new experience.

I do know for sure that I can't wait to wash it tomorrow morning (which will be another whole new experience) and hopefully get my...  ahem!  ...head straight about there being no bun, and no hair, where it thinks they are.

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