Friday, August 28, 2015

Traffic Jam

Friday, August 28, 2015             Hammond, Indiana        trip odometer 7,095 miles

            My goal today was to find one geocache (to keep my ‘streak’ going and add miles to the Bristol Rabbit Travel Bug I’m carrying) and get past Chicago. I accomplished both, but it was not easy.
            For one thing, there was rain all day, varying from a few specks on the windshield to a steady fall, but most of the time it was just enough for me to keep my windshield wipers on “Intermittent/High” and make the road a little slick. Traffic was heavy, especially after I passed Madison, Wisconsin, and it just kept getting worse. These folks still wanted to go 70 MPH, but I am always a bit more cautious in wet weather, so we were all frustrated.
            I miscalculated the exit for the first cache I wanted to try for, going a couple exits too far and not being inclined to retrace my route. The next one was not until after Milwaukee, and was actually the last one I had marked in Wisconsin, a park-and-grab at an enormous truck stop. The hint indicated it was on or near the car vacuum, and some guy was putting air in his tires in the same spot. He asked me pointedly if I needed to use the air pump, I answered honestly that I didn’t, then I went inside the truck stop to do my other needed things while waiting for him to go. I used the restroom (first and always!), wandered around looking at the food options, and ordered and ate dinner. I used an outside table so I could keep an eye on that vacuum and air pump.
            When I finished, I sauntered casually over. Three objects: air pump, vacuum, and a light post. A skirt lifter? But that wasn’t the hint. I circled the equipment, looking it over for anything that might not belong there. Nothing. Try the lamp post. Bingo! My streak was intact, Bristol Bunny had another several hundred miles, and I paused only to fill the gas tank before heading out for goal #2.
             I found Chicago’s rush hour traffic strangely peaceful. There we were, four lanes of bumper-to-bumper vehicles, barely moving. My strategy was to pick one of the inner lanes and stick with it. Past experience has showed me that moving from lane to lane because another lane seems to be moving faster than the others accomplishes nothing but raising blood pressure and occasionally causing an accident. I just kept my car a couple of carlengths behind the flatbed truck from Maine ahead of me, and otherwise I was free to let my mind wander. I had a full stomach, a full gas tank, enough to drink, and AC/DC was playing soothing music on my car stereo. Other than a potential bladder problem, it was pleasant. Surely better at 6 MPH than 60, with the cars spaced as they were. And, believe me, during those stretches where higher speeds were possible, they didn’t allow much more room between cars. That is nerve-wracking.
            At last the beltway dumped me back onto I-94, I crossed the State Line into Indiana, and it was time to seek a room for the night. Soon I will be home. It’s a good thing, too; I’m down to two clean shirts and three pairs of clean socks.

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